Friday, May 14, 2010

The Great Google Doodle Tesla Motors Earthquake


  1. Google power meter was invented to regulate the consumption of power potentially provided to the public for sale by Google Energy, LLC using 111 year old Tesla technology. This venture between Elon Musk and Google was commemorated by the Triforce Easter egg symbols in 2009. Many of these triangle symbols were incorporated into the Google Doodles that lead up to the 09/09/09 9:09:09 Google Doodle? and were subsequently removed from record in The Great Google Doodle Conspiracy. Something obviously went wrong in September 2009. Did? they cause Sumatra? Did they invent "Zelda Fan" Susie Sahim to retroactively explain why the Nintendo Tri-Force logos were included in the Doodles in the first place and take the blame off George Hwang because he was instructed by Larry Page and Sergey Brin to include the symbolic Triforce symbols? Wish we could ask The Three Musketeers of Tesla Motors but they died in Palo Alto and their bodies were burned beyond recognition.

  2. penslinger...stat
